Glass mosaic tiles Acquaris Carmin

Regular price: 86,62 €

Web price: 69,30 €/m2

Quality: 1. class / Made in EU

Producer: Mosavit

Size: 31,6x31,6

Color: Pink, Red

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Retail price for this mosaic tile is 86,62 EUR, while you can get it in our webstore for only 69,3 EUR. Thickness of 5 mm should be sufficient for more damanding customers as well. Mosaic on the picture is attached to a grid, which makes installing it much easier. Grid’s dimensions are 31,6×31,6 cm. This mosaic comes from Spain which means top quality ceramics. Ceramics in red color enriches every room.

Technical description:
Min. 1 box – Delivery 30 Euro/box in EU
14 kg -1 m2/box