Glass mosaic
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Vidrepur ref 951 Art
In regular store you would have to pay 102 EUR for this mosaic, while web price is only 81,6 EUR. This mosaic tile was made by producer Vidrepur, who comes from Spain. This mosaic is available in wonderful black dominant color. If you would like any other color, please contact us and we will check with the producer. Length and width of the grid to which is this mosaic tile attached are 31,5x31,5 cm. Grid can be easily installed on different surfaces. This mosaic is 5 mm thick and very resistant.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
102,00 €81,60 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 950 Art
This mosaic comes from Spain which means top quality ceramics. Mosaic is thick 5 mm which makes it one of the hardest mosaic tiles. Ceramics in white color enriches every room. Vidrepur ref 950 Art is available at a great price of 76,8 EUR. Mosaic comes attached to the grid which makes installing it much easier. Dimensions of the grid are 31,5x31,5 cm and that makes it appropriate for different surfaces.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
96,00 €76,80 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 924 Essential
Vidrepur ref 924 Essential is tile from Vidrepur and comes from Spain. With 31,5x31,5 cm grid to which this mosaic is attached this tile fits different areas. Because of lower costs in online sales you will pay only 48 EUR for this mosaic tile in our store. You cannot miss by choosing mosaic in yellow dominant color. 5 mm of thickness is enough even for more demanding customers.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 923 Essential
Instead of 60 EUR, which you would have to pay for this mosaic in regular store, you will pay only 48 EUR in our online store. With 31,5x31,5 cm grid to which this mosaic is attached this tile fits different areas. Thickness of 5 mm should be sufficient for more damanding customers as well. This mosaic is available in wonderful red dominant color. If you would like any other color, please contact us and we will check with the producer. This mosaic comes from Spain which means top quality ceramics.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 922 652 Essentials
Ceramics in white color enriches every room. Vidrepur ref 922 652 Essentials is tile from Vidrepur and comes from Spain. With size of the grid 31,5x31,5 cm to which this mosaic is attached, this mosaic is appropriate for different surfaces. Retail price for this mosaic tile is 90 EUR, while you can get it in our webstore for only 72 EUR. Mosaic is thick 5 mm which makes it one of the hardest mosaic tiles.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
90,00 €72,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 922 Essential
Vidrepur ref 922 Essential is from Spain and is of high quality. This mosaic is available in wonderful violet dominant color. If you would like any other color, please contact us and we will check with the producer. Mosaic comes attached to the grid which makes installing it much easier. Dimensions of the grid are 31,5x31,5 cm and that makes it appropriate for different surfaces. Thickness of 5 mm should be sufficient for more damanding customers as well. Online this mosaic tile will cost you only 48 EUR, while in regular store 60 EUR.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 921 652 Essentials
Mosaic is thick 5 mm which makes it one of the hardest mosaic tiles. Because of lower costs in online sales you will pay only 72 EUR for this mosaic tile in our store. Vidrepur ref 921 652 Essentials is tile from Vidrepur and comes from Spain. Very modern mosaic in dominant white color refreshes every room. Mosaic on the picture is attached to a grid, which makes installing it much easier. Grid's dimensions are 31,5x31,5 cm.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
90,00 €72,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 921 Essential
5 mm of thickness is enough even for more demanding customers. This mosaic is available in wonderful green dominant color. If you would like any other color, please contact us and we will check with the producer. Vidrepur ref 921 Essential is available at a great price of 48 EUR. Vidrepur ref 921 Essential is tile from Vidrepur and comes from Spain. Length and width of the grid to which is this mosaic tile attached are 31,5x31,5 cm. Grid can be easily installed on different surfaces.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 920 652 Essentials
Vidrepur ref 920 652 Essentials comes from Spain, which is known for top quality of ceramics on global scale. Vidrepur ref 920 652 Essentials is available at a great price of 72 EUR. 5 mm of thickness is enough even for more demanding customers. This mosaic tile model is best sold in white color. Mosaic comes attached to the grid which makes installing it much easier. Dimensions of the grid are 31,5x31,5 cm and that makes it appropriate for different surfaces.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
90,00 €72,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 920 Essential
Tile thickness is very important and 5 mm makes this mosaic top quality. With 31,5x31,5 cm grid to which this mosaic is attached this tile fits different areas. This mosaic comes from Spain which means top quality ceramics. You cannot miss by choosing mosaic in blue dominant color. 60 EUR in regular store and only 48 EUR in our web store.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 910 Essential
This mosaic is 5 mm thick and very resistant. This mosaic tile was made by producer Vidrepur, who comes from Spain. With size of the grid 31,5x31,5 cm to which this mosaic is attached, this mosaic is appropriate for different surfaces. Vidrepur ref 910 Essential is available at a great price of 48 EUR. Very modern mosaic in dominant white color refreshes every room.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 909 Essential
You cannot miss by choosing mosaic in white dominant color. Mosaic comes attached to the grid which makes installing it much easier. Dimensions of the grid are 31,5x31,5 cm and that makes it appropriate for different surfaces. Vidrepur ref 909 Essential is available at a great price of 48 EUR. This mosaic tile was made by producer Vidrepur, who comes from Spain. This mosaic is 5 mm thick and very resistant.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 908 650 Essentials
Vidrepur ref 908 650 Essentials is tile from Vidrepur and comes from Spain. In regular store you would have to pay 90 EUR for this mosaic, while web price is only 72 EUR. This year red mosaic tiles are very popular. Mosaic is thick 5 mm which makes it one of the hardest mosaic tiles. Mosaic on the picture is attached to a grid, which makes installing it much easier. Grid's dimensions are 31,5x31,5 cm.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
90,00 €72,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 908 Essential
Mosaic is thick 5 mm which makes it one of the hardest mosaic tiles. Instead of 60 EUR, which you would have to pay for this mosaic in regular store, you will pay only 48 EUR in our online store. Vidrepur ref 908 Essential is from Spain and is of high quality. With size of the grid 31,5x31,5 cm to which this mosaic is attached, this mosaic is appropriate for different surfaces. Ceramics in grey color enriches every room.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 907 658 Essentials
Length and width of the grid to which is this mosaic tile attached are 31,5x31,5 cm. Grid can be easily installed on different surfaces. Vidrepur ref 907 658 Essentials is tile from Vidrepur and comes from Spain. This mosaic is 5 mm thick and very resistant. This mosaic is available in wonderful brown dominant color. If you would like any other color, please contact us and we will check with the producer. Instead of 90 EUR, which you would have to pay for this mosaic in regular store, you will pay only 72 EUR in our online store.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
90,00 €72,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 907 Essential
In regular store you would have to pay 60 EUR for this mosaic, while web price is only 48 EUR. Ceramics in grey color enriches every room. Thickness of 5 mm makes this mosaic very resistant and luxurious when touched. Vidrepur ref 907 Essential is from Spain and is of high quality. With size of the grid 31,5x31,5 cm to which this mosaic is attached, this mosaic is appropriate for different surfaces.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 906 651 Essentials
Tile thickness is very important and 5 mm makes this mosaic top quality. Vidrepur ref 906 651 Essentials is from Spain and is of high quality. This mosaic tile model is best sold in brown color. With 31,5x31,5 cm grid to which this mosaic is attached this tile fits different areas. Instead of 90 EUR, which you would have to pay for this mosaic in regular store, you will pay only 72 EUR in our online store.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
90,00 €72,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 906 Essential
You cannot miss by choosing mosaic in brown dominant color. This mosaic is 5 mm thick and very resistant. This mosaic comes from Spain which means top quality ceramics. Mosaic comes attached to the grid which makes installing it much easier. Dimensions of the grid are 31,5x31,5 cm and that makes it appropriate for different surfaces. Instead of 60 EUR, which you would have to pay for this mosaic in regular store, you will pay only 48 EUR in our online store.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 905 907 923 Essential
Vidrepur ref 905 907 923 Essential is from Spain and is of high quality. Mosaic comes attached to the grid which makes installing it much easier. Dimensions of the grid are 31,5x31,5 cm and that makes it appropriate for different surfaces. This mosaic tile in wonderful red color will enrich every room. Thickness of 5 mm should be sufficient for more damanding customers as well. Because of lower costs in online sales you will pay only 48 EUR for this mosaic tile in our store.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2 -
Vidrepur ref 905 907 921 Essential
Because of lower costs in online sales you will pay only 48 EUR for this mosaic tile in our store. This mosaic tile was made by producer Vidrepur, who comes from Spain. This mosaic is available in wonderful blue dominant color. If you would like any other color, please contact us and we will check with the producer. Mosaic is thick 5 mm which makes it one of the hardest mosaic tiles. Mosaic on the picture is attached to a grid, which makes installing it much easier. Grid's dimensions are 31,5x31,5 cm.Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EUGlass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 ...
60,00 €48,00 €/m2