Vidrepur Mezcla Colors 503 507 516

Regular price: 36,25 €

Web price: 29,00 €/m2

Quality: 1. class / Made in EU

Producer: Vidrepur Glass Mosaic

Size: 31,5x31,5

Color: Green

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Vidrepur Mezcla Colors 503 507 516 comes from Spain, which is known for top quality of ceramics on global scale. This mosaic tile in wonderful green color will enrich every room. Mosaic comes attached to the grid which makes installing it much easier. Dimensions of the grid are 31,5×31,5 cm and that makes it appropriate for different surfaces. Retail price for this mosaic tile is 36,25 EUR, while you can get it in our webstore for only 29 EUR. Thickness of 5 mm should be sufficient for more damanding customers as well.

Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EU
Glass mosaic dimension: 25x25x5 mm