Vidrepur ref 453 Pearl

Regular price: 218,25 €

Web price: 174,60 €/m2

Quality: 1. class / Made in EU

Producer: Vidrepur Glass Mosaic

Size: 31,5x31,5

Color: Blue

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Very modern mosaic in dominant blue color refreshes every room. 5 mm of thickness is enough even for more demanding customers. Vidrepur ref 453 Pearl is from Spain and is of high quality. Vidrepur ref 453 Pearl is available at a great price of 174,6 EUR. Dimensions of the grid to which is this mosaic attached are 31,5×31,5 cm. Grid makes installing of this mosaic easier.

Technical description: Minimum order 1 box – Delivery fee 30 Euro/box in all EU
Glass mosaic dimension: 12x12x5 mm